Growing Pains
Does your agency or business have any of these growing pains?
plagued by unexpected cash crunches
need to hire but not confident money is available
difficulty writing proposals because costs are hard to identify and calculate
not sure which projects and clients are making or losing money
margins are low, and you’re not sure where to begin to increase them
Ready to talk about your growing pains?
Case Studies
Saved $11,000 last year in payment processing – paying contract workers was a costly aggravation and time suck.
After losing everything in the bust of 2008, Mike decided to try again – this time with a virtual business.
Saved $6,000 in taxes last year – “Why didn’t my CPA tell me about this?”
About 6 years ago, Larry (a solopreneur) decided to go on his own. Larry and I have known each other for years.
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Jan 2013 - Small Biz Notes - It's not what you think, but yes - a real tax break